My Purpose

Believe it or not, but we all have a purpose in life and here is mine: to help YOU. So far, the majority of my life has been one consumed in sadness, insecurities, pain, and suffering. Once I descovered the the tools to help implement change into my life, EVERYTHING shifted, from the inside out. My mind, body, and circumstances changed because I did the work and I am so grateful I went back and faced everything that was holding me back because I am now living a life I have only dreamed of.

My purpose is to share these tools with you, because you absolutely deserve to love everything about yourself. It might sound difficult, and I can say it won’t be easy but it is well worth it. But I will let you in on a little secret…you are a SURVIVOR. Whatever it is that happened to you, whoever hurt you, it doesn’t matter because you already survived it once and came out VICTORIOUS. Maybe a little bruised, maybe a little battered, but you came out the other side victorious. If you did it once, you already know you will come out the other end again, but this time you will be better than ever. Facing your problems might seem difficult but it gets easier and the pay off is a lifetime of change. How you ask? Because right now you are living a life where these problems are buried down deep but the problem is they are seeping out into your life anyways right? Effecting your mentality and your choices, therefore you already know what your life looks like if you continue to avoid them. If you find the courage, desperation, hope (whichever!) to overcome them, you will start living a new life, one you have yet to experience. And that is truly lifechanging.

Here you will find tools, research, and references to the people, practices, and information that helped me transform my life. There are many to choose from so pick one, or a few, and see how they work for you. I will hold nothing back and all I ask is that when you are here, you listen, you learn, but most importantly, you TRY. You try and you keep trying, until something works, because you deserve a happy life.

“If you can’t fly, then run. If you can’t run, then walk, If you can’t walk, then crawl. But whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward.” – Martin Luther King Jr.

Don’t ever give up on yourself, because you are worth it.